
Posts Tagged ‘google’

I released a new version of Chrome Nanny that incorporated few requested features. They are:


1. Validate regular expressions when they are entered in blockset.

2. More robust error handling inside the extension.

3. Always allow access to Chrome extension links even if you block *.*

4. Disallow *.* from White list.

5. Do not strip www/http from the blocksite. So a block url of www.ft.com will not block www.microsoft.com unless the url is ft.com.

6. Multiple internal changes that will allow implementation of other Chrome Nanny features faster.


Let me know how this version works !

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I routinely read lot of blogs covering multiple areas and share interesting blog posts. Primarily I use Google Reader to maintain the feeds and share items. If you are interested in following my shared items , subscribe at http://www.google.com/reader/shared/saravanan.thirumuruganathan . Alternatively, you can also subscribe to my Buzz stream as all my Google Reader shared items are shared in buzz too.

If I like some post from a blog that I follow, then sharing it is easy. Just like it and share it with my followers. The problem arise when I want to share some interesting post from a blog I do not follow – I could have got the link from ,say, reddit or may be its an interesting news article. One thing I tried was to manually post it to Buzz. Now it got sent to all my Buzz followers but not to my Google Reader followers. This is a small issue and it kept nagging me.

Currently I use the following method – Whenever I find some good article, I immediately bookmark it in delicious. This has the added advantage that I can “tag” this url appropriately. Delicious allows each account to have an RSS feed that streams the urls the user bookmarks. I then add this feed to my Google Reader account. After some time , this feed shows up in my Google Reader and if the original reason for my bookmarking was sharing, I just share it now.

There are a few interesting advantages for me. Google Reader now becomes my defacto bookmarking method and I can use it to search for topics I read but whose URL I cant find. Interestingly, the tags in delicious seem to be searchable from Google Reader which makes it all the more cool.

This method is arguably cumbersome and “pollutes” my delicious bookmark but I have not found a better way. If you have some other management method, feel free to chime in the comments.

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